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아래는 서울대학교 언어학과에서 운영하는 '언어학 콜로퀴엄' 에 대한 홍보입니다. 

우리학회 선생님들께 도움이 되실 것 같아 전달드리니, 관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다. 

<언어학 콜로퀴움>


일시: 2020년 9월 21일(월) 오전 10시 

- 콜로퀴움 참여 링크: (출석확인을 위해 줌 입장 시 성명을 올바르게 기재하여 주시기 바랍니다.)

- 강사: 안수지 (UCLA/University of Ottawa)

- 제목: What the Tongue Tells us about Voicing Contrasts 

- 개요: Many languages make voicing contrasts in obstruents, but the phonetic characterization of these contrasts continues to be debated. For example, American English (English) and Brazilian Portuguese (Portuguese) are known to have a two-way voicing contrast, but utterance-initially, English /b d ɡ/ stops are often realized as voiceless unaspirated stops whereas Portuguese /b d ɡ/ stops are truly voiced. Thai has a three-way laryngeal distinction: /b d/, /p t k/ and /pʰ tʰ kʰ/, and English stops are similar to Thai voiceless unaspirated and aspirated stops in terms of Voice Onset Time (VOT). In this talk, I will show that in addition to VOT, which reflects the timing of the oral and laryngeal gestures, tongue position during closure may be an integral part of the articulatory properties of laryngeal contrasts in English, Portuguese, and Thai. One articulatory adjustment that serves to initiate or maintain phonetic voicing during closure is enlarging the supraglottal cavity volume primarily via tongue root advancement (Westbury 1983). Results of an ultrasound study show that in all three languages, more tongue root advancement was found in /b d ɡ/ stops than /p t k/ stops. This finding held true even for English /b d ɡ/ stops, which lack phonetic voicing. Thai results show, however, that a distinction between /p t k/ and /pʰ tʰ kʰ/ was not consistent across places of articulation. In terms of tongue position, English is similar to Portuguese and Thai /b d (ɡ)/ and /p t k/. Results imply that tongue position is an important phonetic correlate of voicing contrasts. 




- 서울대학교 언어학과 콜로퀴움에 대한 안내는 아래 링크에서 자세히 확인하실 수 있습니다.
  ▸ SNU Linguistics 10X10 Project 홈페이지:




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