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무료사전등록 안내 HisPhonCog 2019 (Free Registration) & Program Summary


한양대학교 영어영문학과와 음성-언어인지과학 연구소(HIPCS)에서 아래와 같이 HisPhonCog 2019 국제학술대회를 개최합니다. (혹시 복수의 안내 이메일이 경우 양해 부탁드립니다.)


특히 510일까지 사전등록 하시는 분들께는 Free Registration (프로그램 proceedings+점심 2+Banquet 포함)이오니 많은 회원님들께서 참석해 주셔서 학회를 빛내 주시기를 바라겠습니다특히 주변 대학원생들에게도 홍보해 주시면 감사하겠습니다


참고로 510일이후 등록에는 약간의 등록비가 있습니다



HisPhonCog 2019

Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics & Cognitive Sciences of Language

May 23-25 (Thur. -  Sat.) 2019

Hanyang University


Theme: Linguistic and cognitive functions of prosody and higher-order linguistic structures in speech production and perception in native and non-native languages


Invited speakers for general sessions 

Mary Beckman (OSU, USA)

Edward Flemming (MIT, USA)

Cecile Fougeron (Paris 3, Sorbonne, CNRS, France)

Martine Grice (University of Cologne, Germany)

Sun-Ah Jun (UCLA, USA)

Jason Shaw (Yale University, USA)

Michael Tyler (Western Sydney University, Australia)

Jie Zhang (University of Kansas, USA)


Invited speakers for the special session on neuro-cognitive aspects of prosody

Karsten Steinhauer (McGill University, Canada)

Ferenc Honbolygó (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)


Invited discussants 

Anne Cutler  (Western Sydney U, MARCS, ARC Centre of Excellence, Australia) - General Session

Holger Mitterer (University of Malta, Malta) - Special Session


Satellite workshops (May 23, Thursday)

Workshop 1Theoretical and practical issues on ToBI in Korean  

- Organizers:  Sun-Ah Jun (UCLA), Sahyang Kim (Hongik U.) and Taehong Cho (Hanyang U.)


Workshop 2: Cognition and Bilingualism: Why there is debate about the cognitive advantage of being bilingual

- Organizers: Anne Cutler (Western Sydney U, MARCS) and  Mark Antoniou (Western Sydney U, MARCS)


Conference Website:  



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