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William Hart, 2017. A formal scheme for prosodic disalignment. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology 23.1. 145-169. 

This paper presents a formalized scheme for the representation of constraints that codify the force of prosodic repulsion, a concept first introduced in Hart (2015a) and expanded upon in Hart (2015b). Prosodic repulsion embodies a force of resistance between phonological entities which works together in concert with a force of attraction between entities to define and regulate prosodic structure. While the force of attraction has commonly been referred to as alignment, the force of repulsion can analogously be understood as disalignment. The proposed scheme for the formalization of such disalignment has here been dubbed Generalized Repulsion for the commonalities it shares with the constraint scheme proposed by McCarthy and Prince (1993), yet it differs from Generalized Alignment in several respects. First, the arguments of GR constraints indicating the relevant prosodic structures are both marked with the universal operator. Second, reference to only one edge is required. Third, an additional argument is included to represent the buffer, which is the minimal distance required between the two constituents that repel each other. With the introduction of this constraint scheme, the overall phonological grammar as a whole is simplified, and several previously unconnected phonological phenomena can be brought together under a single theoretical umbrella. (University of Seoul)
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