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Phonology and Morphology 18

2013.02.04 11:20

관리자 조회 수:3199

Phonology and Morphology 18

• Béland, Renee, Carol Paradis and Monique Bois (1993). Constraints and repairs in aphasic speech: a group study.

• Best, Catherine (1991). The emergence of native-language phonological influences in infants.

• Best, Catherine (1991). Emergence of language-specific constraints in perception of non-native speech: A window on early phonological development.

• Davis, Stuart (1993). Emphasis spread in Arabic and Grounded Phonology.

• Kager, Rene (1993). Consequences of catalexis.

• Kiparsky, Paul (1992). Catalexis.

• Kiparsky, Paul (1993). The phonological basis of sound change.

• Mester, R. Armin (1992). The quantitative trochee in Latin.