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음성음운형태론연구 20집 1호 Miyeon Ahn
Ahn, Miyeon. 2014. Comparative markedness in Korean palatalization. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology 20.1. 99-112. 

Two kinds of Korean palatalization – t- and s-palatalization – contrast in that while t-palatalization applies only across morpheme boundaries, s-palatalization applies across the board. McCarthy (2003) accounts for this with the ranking OO-NPAL » IDENT » PAL wherein palatalization is usually blocked because of IDENT » PAL. However, if a PAL violation is created by morphological concatenation, then the ranking OO-NPAL » IDENT triggers palatalization. The problem with this analysis is that it does not distinguish between t- and s-palatalization – it incorrectly predicts that s-palatalization should also be blocked in non-derived environments. We show that the difference between the two kinds of palatalization lies in the faithfulness violations involved. In the mapping /s/→[š], only IDENT[place] is violated; however, /th /→[t∫h] violates both IDENT[place] and IDENT[strident]. The constraint that blocks palatalization of /t/ in non-derived environments in McCarthy’s analysis must therefore be the IDENT[strident], a constraint that is not involved in s-palatalization. IDENT[place], the only faithfulness constraint involved in s-palatalization, has to rank below OPAL, so that s-palatalization is triggered even in non-derived environments. (Seoul National University)
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